Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Valley Real Life

Hello lifer’s... I wanted to take a few minutes to let everyone at VRL know what is going on in my life and what God has planned for me next. I want you first of all to know that I love you all and truly miss you. When I resigned in October I never thought it would result in me never again having the opportunity to stand before you and tell you a few things that you really needed to hear. So I will say it here instead.

You needed to hear me say “thank you”. So many of you have survived the hards days of being a mobile church and have served tirelessly and given generously. You play a huge part in the reason why VRL has grown so much over the last 6 years. And I cannot thank you enough for the grace you gave me as I strived to live up to God’s call on my life.

You also needed to hear me say “keep praying for me as I keep praying for you”. Charles Spurgeon once said this about the church “on their feet they may be conquered, but on their knees they are invincible.” I assure you that if we all continue to pray for each other that there will be nothing that we will not be able to overcome.

Lastly I want to tell you what is next for me. After resigning I wondered if I should leave the ministry for good. God has confirmed that His plan for me is still in the ministry and that eventually I will plant another church here in the Spokane area. However, for now I believe that God has asked me to humbly take on a support role and refresh myself with what it’s like to serve under the leadership of another. For that reason I will serve on staff at Eastpoint Church as a pastor to young adults starting in the near future. While this will be a big change for me I am really looking forward to it.

So there you have it... Hope that helps and if you have any questions or comments you know what to do...


  1. I am so happy to hear that not only are you sticking around the Spokane area...I am also glad to hear that you are going to be pastoring young people...I know that God is going to continue to bless others through your life and that you will also continue to grow and learn lesson's that God wants to teach you to to grow more and more into the likeness of Christ.

    Thank you for all that you and Nona have done and what a blessing you are to my family.

    I will continue to pray for you and your family.

    Kelli Dexter

  2. Matt,
    I'm excited to hear your exciting news! I have trusted in God through this entire process and know that He will use it for His glory. I have faith that He will use it for VRL's growth, your growth, and that of His church bodies!
    Thank you for the part you've played in my growth in Christ!
    God's blessings to you, Nona and the kids. I look forward to the times that our paths cross in this big, small town!
    Lisa Davis

  3. Speaking for Eastpoint as the Sr. Pastor...having Matt come on staff is such a "God thing" and it was an easy decision for us to make. We believe in Matt and Nona. We believe that Matt is called to pastor. We believe he is called to our city. We believe his gifts will be used to continue to serve the Church. And, we are honored and excited to continue to partner with the Kings and The King in the advance of His kingdom.

  4. Matt King is a beautiful human being with spiritual passion, righteously driven ambition, and a firm buttox. He will be as much a valuable asset to Eastpoint as the horrible amputation he was from Valley Real Life.
